Hi guys,
I know some of you also want to have this feature, where in your users are able to post a simple ads with fields like
1. 4 ads pictures
2. title
3. price
4. description
so planning to dev one soon 😀
let me know if you have any improvements so i can add in on the specs.
thanks. Nov 16, 2011 @ 10:02
Hi After the long wait. it’s finally here ! the plugin is now on beta testing stage.
You may want to help us test the Classified ads plugin @ http://classifieds.pinoyau.info
will gonna give a discount on people who will help me test.
please note down the email you will use in registering, I will use it as reference.
thanks for the first few people who did some test.
as promised those who registered their email from the test environment as well as those who commented here will get discount.
will make sure all the comments in this blog post will be implemented.
you may continue to help do the test @ http://classifieds.pinoyau.info until feb 29 only. then after that i’ll start working on all your requests and bugs found.
Target date of launch is 2nd or 3rd week of March.
hi guys, I’m afraid it will take longer than i expected as i dont want to launch it half baked.
There’s still some trouble with the admin part of this plugin, particularly in handling spam users.
It will be a big flaw and your site will be flooded by spam post, if this feature will not be in the plugin 🙂
will update you from time to time.
I have been waiting for this for a long time 😀
Hope it will be released soon with custom posting field
Thanks alot.
If it has paid version, I “will” pay for it immediately
i’m sorry, i’m super swamped with work since i came back from my christmas vacation — no time at the moment to continue but as for the progress — im done with the main features like add edit and delete of ads, ads currently can be viewed in users’s profile.
Just thinking of a good way to display the ads, either in a separate page or insert it above the discussion list (front page). that’s all what’s left and after that will start to kick off this plugin.
gonna upload some screenshots later
How about the Pockets plugins, it’s a great way to control the display of ads, I think. Hope your work done soon 🙂
hi Huy,
The Plugin is now on beta testing phase. you may want to check it out @ http://classifieds.pinoyau.info 🙂
I would be happy to test
I can also join in to test ride.
Hi, i tested the ad feature..Great work
I just think that admin should have to grand the user access to do that in case they post ads that doesn’t fit in with the kind of website the person is running.
Or do it where admin has to approve the ads before they go live…
For me i want to be the only one posting the ads… where i can disable it to all the users and use it as the admin.
Just my input …But i love the idea…can’t wait for it to finish
oh crap!! you are right!!! there should be some sort of a control to the user’s access in posting to avoid spamming. Thanks for that. will work on it.
Ye, that sound great! I’m willing to be on the ride 😀
waiting……. 🙂